Thursday, December 19, 2019

Marketing’s New Age is - Signage

With technological advancements, we see that marketers are using a blend of marketing and digital strategy. This is practiced to grab the attention of the customers as well as non-customers. Almost all the luxurious brands that we see have been using window posters, price discounts, and inventory clear-outs. The latest invention in the advertising platforms is the use of a digital display, which is otherwise called a commercial LED display. Now, with this disrupting invention, the marketers would not have to advertise the discounts, inventory clear-outs, and special promotions exclusively as it all can be done with a single display. These displays serve the same goals with improved, more straightforward, and flexible tools. In the world today, we see the retailers, ranging from the departmental stores to brands with flashy, grand flagships, and the local business owners. Using commercial LED displays is primarily driving goals like increased foot traffic and improved sales. It, thereby, offers an enhanced and excelled shopper experience followed by holistic branding.

Reasons to go Digital

Paper printed, and fabric printed posters are comparatively less costly if you consider a short-term scenario for your business. However, if you want a permanent solution for your market needs and improve the total foot traffic, digital displays are the optimal solution for your business. This is not something that you would change with the changing customer’s needs. Yes, the programming and the displayed content might change, but not the digital display. Additionally, there are some key improvements that you would definitely consider if you wish to drive the storefront transformation from traditional to digital.

The key advantages of a digital display are reduced resource costs, increased inventory, low operational costs, higher impact, and niche targets. The digital screens are a one-time buy and serve for a significant period. They are cost-efficient and require only skilled workers to design the program and display the function. With display screens, there are no more shipping expenses, no more human resource needed to associate the audience with your signage materials. There are also no further compliance inspection and revision requirements by the regional manager.

How would it Drive ROI?

For retailers and merchandise teams, there are several ways to asses the impact and value of these digital displays. The increase in sales is one of the significant indicators of digital marketing success. It can also be the traffic being driven by getting attracted to the low prices that you have displayed in the commercial LED display. The usual parameters are the overall foot traffic and sales performance. You can target different groups of customer profiles using these displays. The basic mechanical counters which are used to get a sense of the digital displays are exposure, engagement, and conversion. Exposure refers to the number of people who have passed by the display, engagement, on the other hand, is the number of people who noticed and stopped by the display screen. Finally, the conversion is the percentage of engaged people who come inside the store and buy or explore the product.

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